Tuesday, 2 August 2016

9 Struggles Men Go Through Ladies Will Never Understand [With Pictures]

1. Morning woods 

Do you wake up to morning woods that you cannot comprehend? Then, you’ll understand that this is not how you want your mornings to begin really. So it’s like “Good Morning Frank” and “Good Morning Frank’s morning wood”

2. Masculinity 

Some traits are “associated with being manly” and so when a man cannot do things like this, he’s regarded as either a weaker man or a woman in most cases. Masculinity is so fragile that men cannot cry sometimes at scenes at the movie because it’s out of place.

3. Balls Stuck To Leg 

Do your balls ever get stuck to your leg? Ever? Like they get sweaty and stick to your inner thighs

4. Involuntary Boners 

This shit is actually very annoying because they’re involuntary and always happen in the most awkward of places. You’re standing at church for ministration and next thing, your big man downstairs decides to be such a dick literally.

5. Hair Problems 

According to a research, I found online, male body hair grows faster than women as a result of the testosterone so that implies shaving everywhere. Shaving the body hair, cutting your hair because you don’t want an email from the HR, shaving your beard because some people have started talking at the office. Meh

6. Penis gets caught in the zipper

 Has your penis ever gotten caught in the zipper of your denim? Let’s not even talk about this one. Very painful Jesus.

7. Prickly feeling after shaving your balls 

Having to shave your balls and few minutes later, you’re itching all over. That prickly feeling down there won’t go away

8. Sitting on your testicles 

If you have big balls, pretty sure you go through this all the damn time.

9. Missing the toilet bowl 

#PenisNotRiffle #PenisNotShotGun

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