Friday 7 October 2016

State Dept. Releases More Clinton Emails

The State Department released hundreds more of Hillary Clinton’s emails today, reigniting a controversy that has haunted her campaign for president since the time she announced she was running more than a year ago.

This latest court-ordered release produced 270 pages of material and marks the first in a series of three batches including new email the FBI recovered during its investigation into Clinton’s private server. Although Clinton had previously stated she turned over all the business related emails in her possession, the FBI was able to locate several thousand more during the course of its probe.
But State Department officials say many of these emails are near-duplicates copies of emails it has already produced to the public. These officials say the only difference, in some cases, is an additional email at the end of a chain.
Upon concluding that Clinton should not be criminally prosecuted for her use of a private email server, the FBI handed over 14,900 of Clinton's emails to the State Department for its records. Of those the State Department has determined only 5,600 are work related and subject to release under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). And because the State Department was already deep into FOIA litigation, the court came up with a production schedule for these remaining emails, similar to the previous rollout of her 55,000 emails that concluded in February.
A federal judge has ordered that all of those 5,600 emails be released before the election, with the final production scheduled for the late date of Friday, Nov. 4.
Source ABC

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